Early Pregnancy Scans | General information
When to have an Early Pregnancy Scan? | What will happen in the scan? | How to prepare for Early Pregnancy Scan?
The first three months are often a mixture of joy and worry in equal measure. For most mums there is no need for concern, symptoms such as vaginal bleeding (spotting) and abdominal pains are all part and parcel of pregnancy. However, many parents want the opportunity to gain peace of mind and reassurance as to how their pregnancy is progressing. Sometimes it can be difficult to access hospital services in a timely manner to obtain ultrasound scans. An Early Pregnancy Scan provides expectant mums and dads with the bonding experience and reassurance that the resources and time pressure of hospital scanning cannot always cater for.
When to have an Early Pregnancy Scan
We perform the Early Pregnancy scan from 8 weeks of pregnancy. It is generally advisable not to have an ultrasound examination prior to 7 or 8 weeks as frequently the pregnancy sac may be too small to be visible on ultrasound at such an early gestational age. Similarly, the heartbeat is not always detectable until 8 weeks, so we ask that mums wait until this stage to have the scan, as we do not want anybody going home worried if they do not get to see/hear the heartbeat. Otherwise, it is up to you at what stage between 8 and 14 weeks that you come in.
Some mums prefer to come in at 8 or 9 weeks, just to see the heartbeat or for reassurance, but others like to come in a little later, when baby is more developed, or if they want to have pictures to show when they announce their pregnancy to family and friends.
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What will happen at the scan
During the scan, the sonographer will check the baby's heartbeat, assess the presence of single or multiple pregnancies, and confirm your expected due date. The 2D scan is an external transabdominal scan. We calculate your expected due date by comparing the first day of your last menstrual period with specific measurements of the foetus by measuring the distance from the top of the head (crown) to the bottom of the body (rump). These measurements are very accurate and can determine the gestational age even if you are unsure of your last menstrual period.
You will receive several 2D prints of the scan to take home and share with family and friends.
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How to prepare for Early Pregnancy Scan
It is important to ensure that your bladder is full prior to the appointment, as a full bladder will enhance the image quality. While there is no need to have your bladder uncomfortably full, we recommend that you drink between 1 and 2 pints of water or liquid approximately one hour before your ultrasound scan. The liquid in your bladder provides a contrast and improves the quality of the image on the screen.
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8 - 14 weeks : €99